When ready, quit Terminal and reboot your Mac for the new setting to take effect.
That’s all there is to it! Once your system restart, you’ll instantly notice how much faster and more responsive your mouse movement is.
The reason this works is it overrides the default scaling value set by Apple. They configure the Magic Mouse Speed out of the box to be slower than the maximum speed allowed in System Preferences. But with this quick terminal command, you can boost it well beyond the standard limit.
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "File Name:" default answer ""
set fileNameWithPath to the text returned of result
if length of fileNameWithPath = 0 then
return 0
end if
set thisFolder to the target of the front window as alias
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
set myFolderFileList to every text item of fileNameWithPath
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
set fileName to the last item of myFolderFileList -- get last item
if length of myFolderFileList > 1 then
set myFolderList to myFolderFileList's (items 1 thru -2) --remove last item
repeat with folderName in myFolderList
if length of folderName > 0 then
if (exists folder folderName of thisFolder) is true then
set newThisFolder to thisFolder & folderName as text
set thisFolder to newThisFolder as alias
set thisFolder to make new folder with properties {name:folderName} at thisFolder
end if
end if
end repeat
end if
if length of fileName > 0 then
make new file at thisFolder with properties {name:fileName}
end if
end tell
Are you receiving the dreaded “Connection Information” permission issue on your local Mac OS X environment? You’re not alone – and thankfully there is a simple solution to this issue.
You are receiving this error because the default webserver user which runs httpd is known as _www, which is not the user in your local account. If you’re the only person that uses your machine, you can change the user to fix the permission issue.
In the terminal, type the following and hit enter: id
This will return a string of information, however the only information you need is the primary user uid and group gid names. uid=501(admin) gid=20(staff)
Once you have this information, you will need to edit your httpd.conf file. Type the following: sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf You’ll likely need to type your admin password to edit his file.
Hit Ctrl+W to search the file for “User “. This will take you directly to the place in the file where you need to edit information.
You can see in this file that I commented out the existing user and group with the # sign. Below that I entered the User and Group from the information I found in step 2.
You need to restart apache for the change to take effect. sudo apachectl restart
Congratulations, you are now running httpd as your local account.